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In Stock 1 - 3 Working Days
Code: LEDSNA4-WLDGuarantee 1 Year
About the ProductUltra slim single sided LED snap frame Simple and quick poster exchangeAvailable in popular display sizes; A4, A3, A2, A1 and A025mm Wide and 30mm depth silver anodised aluminium frame profiles in E6/EV1With mitred frame cornersPopular sign solution for many indoor applicationsProvides perfectly even illumination achieved by specially treated acrylicSupplied with long power cable and UK plugBuilt in power supply so no need for external transformerAnti-glare protective film includedHas CE-listed electrical components
About the Product
Ultra slim single sided LED snap frame
Simple and quick poster exchange
Available in popular display sizes; A4, A3, A2, A1 and A0
25mm Wide and 30mm depth silver anodised aluminium frame profiles in E6/EV1
With mitred frame corners
Popular sign solution for many indoor applications
Provides perfectly even illumination achieved by specially treated acrylic
Supplied with long power cable and UK plug
Built in power supply so no need for external transformer
Anti-glare protective film included
Has CE-listed electrical components
Poster SizeIlluminationVisible AreaOverall SizeA43200-4200 LUX278 x 191mm348 x 261mmA33000-4000 LUX401 x 278mm471 x 348mmA22800-3600 LUX575 x 401mm675 x 471mmA12200-3000 LUX822 x 575mm892 x 645mmA01800-2300 LUX--
1 - 3 Working days.
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